lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010


On May 31 of each year, OMS celebrates World No Tobacco, which aims at identifying risks posed by the consumption of tobacco for the health and promoting effective policies for reducing energy consumption. The consumption of tobacco is the second leading cause of death worldwide, after hypertension, and is responsible for the death of one in ten adults.

The theme of World No 2010 is gender Tobacco and tobacco, with particular emphasis on marketing to women. OMS will use this day to call attention to the harmful effects of marketing and consumption of tobacco in women and girls.

The World Health Assembly established the World Day without Tobacco in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and its lethal effects. The celebration of this day is an opportunity to highlight specific messages related to control of snuff and promoting compliance with the OMS Framework Convention for the Control of Snuff. The consumption of tobacco is the leading preventable epidemic facing the health community.

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