lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010


On May 31 of each year, OMS celebrates World No Tobacco, which aims at identifying risks posed by the consumption of tobacco for the health and promoting effective policies for reducing energy consumption. The consumption of tobacco is the second leading cause of death worldwide, after hypertension, and is responsible for the death of one in ten adults.

The theme of World No 2010 is gender Tobacco and tobacco, with particular emphasis on marketing to women. OMS will use this day to call attention to the harmful effects of marketing and consumption of tobacco in women and girls.

The World Health Assembly established the World Day without Tobacco in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and its lethal effects. The celebration of this day is an opportunity to highlight specific messages related to control of snuff and promoting compliance with the OMS Framework Convention for the Control of Snuff. The consumption of tobacco is the leading preventable epidemic facing the health community.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


This weekend was the famous Eurovision Song Contest. This year was held in Oslo, and Spain had as its representative Daniel Diges, which has an extensive career as a singer and actor. It became popular with the series "Nothing is forever" and has performed at numerous festivals. He won the ticket to Oslo with the theme "Something Bitty."

Daniel Diges is confronted by a spectator who sabotaged the first performance, so it acted twice.

Germany eventually won with 246 points, while Spain with only 68 points was ranked number 15.

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

The "romería del Rocío" is a manifestation of Andalusian Catholic popular religiosity in honor of the Virgen del Rocio. The pilgrimage takes place the weekend of Pentecost Sunday. The Virgin is in the Hermitage of El Rocío, found in the village of the same name Almonte in Huelva province.

The "Romería del Rocío" is considered one of the most important of Spain and her people come from around the world, The beauty of the area and popular folklore is especially attractive for this pilgrimage: horses, cars, people dressed in costumes typical of the area, the smell of the flowers of the road, picnics, devotion to the Virgin and the joy of the faithful are the essence of this pilgrimage in honor of the Virgen del Rocio.

La Virgen del Rocío came into the chapel on 13.25 hours, after touring the village of El Rocio in Almonte (Huelva), for more than ten hours since 02.50 hours on the Almonte and other faithful skipped processional gate ahead of the 107 subsidiaries that have made pilgrimages to the village.


Google surprised us on the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man with a playable version of your browser. A fun he has had a tremendous popular among Internet users, so Google has decided to keep forever your Free Pacman.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010


As every year, the Feria de Cordoba is held in late May, in commemoration of Our Lady of Health.

In the area of the Arenal come together once again, riders, gypsy and flamenco dances sharing, joy and sympathy to all visitors.
The booths, in marked Andalusian style, are open to the public.

The joy of Seville, fine wine, tapas, Cordovan hat and make combs rival fairs rest of Andalusia.

At the same time, in the Plaza de Toros de Los Califas hosts many bullfights of great importance, involving the most prominent right-handed time.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010


Crafts are made by hand work, with or without the aid of tools. Also referred to manual labor as well as school activities conducted by the students themselves.

It is generally well known to those jobs in which personal fulfillment is sought, a creative home, or in most cases a way to disconnect from work or as entertainment to combat the tedium or boredom.

You can use different tools such as clay, clay, string, cork, gypsum, plaster, marble ...